Liquid vitamins offer a host of benefits not found with pill form. They are a great option for kids, adults who dislike swallowing pills, or those with a medical condition that prevents them from doing so.
Unlike pills and capsules, liquid vitamin supplements absorb much more quickly once they enter the digestive tract. There are several reasons for this, including:
Better Bioavailability
Liquid vitamins stand out over pill form in terms of bioavailability. Because they’re formulated in liquid form, they’re absorbed into the body more easily and effectively because there isn’t an added step of disintegration or dispersal. This allows your digestive system to focus on the absorption of the nutrients.
This benefit of liquid vitamins can be especially helpful for people who have difficulty swallowing pills or other non-chewable supplements due to a sensitivity or medical condition that prevents them from doing so. This includes young kids, older adults, people who have stroke-related problems with chewing, and anyone who experiences a pronounced gag reflex. This group can be more likely to comply with a supplement plan when it is administered in a liquid formula.
The high bioavailability of liquid vitamins also makes them an ideal supplement for situations that require high dosing, such as boosting nutrient levels to optimal levels when necessary for certain health challenges. No one wants to take twenty or more pills per day, so high dosing with liquids is much easier and more manageable.
Liquid vitamin products include liposomal and alcohol- and water-based herbal preparations and tinctures, as well as oil-based liquid supplements. Your integrative practitioner can help determine the right type of liquid vitamin for your personalized supplement regimen. It’s important to understand the difference between liquid and tablet forms, however, as some ingredients may not work well in a liquid form (such as timed-release melatonin or creatine) and need to be taken in a pill or capsule. This is true of some high-quality liquid supplements, but newer formulations use advanced stabilizing technology and innovative manufacturing processes to overcome this challenge and ensure the quality and potency of their active ingredients.
Easier to Digest
Liquid vitamins don’t need to be broken down by the digestive system to make it work. This means that a greater percentage of the nutrients get absorbed by your system. This is a huge benefit, especially for those with digestive issues that prevent them from absorbing certain vitamins and minerals efficiently.
Liquid vitamins are easier to ingest and can be poured directly into your mouth or added to your favorite beverage. This makes them perfect for children who have trouble swallowing pills, older adults, or anyone with a medical condition that prevents them from chewing.
Typically, liquid vitamin supplements are made using water and glycerin to dissolve the nutrients. Fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamins D and E may need an emulsifier to help disperse them.
Because liquid vitamins are easy to ingest, they can be given to younger children or even infants who have trouble with swallowing pills. You can also use a dropper or syringe to control the dosage more accurately than you could with a pill, which is particularly important for those who have gastrointestinal problems that interfere with vitamin absorption.
Many liquid vitamins are available in different flavors, so you can find one that your kids will enjoy. This will help to make them more palatable for them and increase their compliance, which can lead to better results over time.
Another benefit of liquid vitamins is that they can be stored easily in a refrigerator, so you don’t have to worry about them expiring before you can take them. With a good manufacturer, you should be able to see the expiration date printed right on the bottle, so you can plan accordingly and avoid taking expired vitamins.
More Customizable Dosing
A big reason liquid vitamins are a better choice than pills is that they offer more customizable dosing options. Since they don’t require the same type of binding and fillers that a pill does, liquid supplements can usually contain more ingredients, which means a greater range of nutrients for less cost.
This makes them an excellent option for children, who are often unable to swallow tablets and capsules or have a strong aversion to doing so. Similarly, adults who dislike swallowing pills or have a medical condition that causes them to experience discomfort when ingesting hard capsules and tablets may find that liquid vitamin supplements are easier to comply with.
The ability to easily adjust the dosage of liquid vitamin supplements can also help them to be more effective when it comes to filling in nutritional gaps and boosting certain vitamin levels that might be difficult to reach with diet alone. This kind of flexibility can also help people to avoid consuming too many nutrients and potentially suffering from the negative side effects of doing so.
Liquid vitamin supplement manufacturers can also use safer preservatives than those used in the production of pills, which makes them more desirable for individuals who struggle with sensitive stomachs. For example, some products use alcohol or rosemary oil to preserve the product, which can be a more gentle alternative for people who don’t want to deal with stomach aches and gas caused by a high intake of vitamins.
In terms of dosing, liquid multivitamins can be dispensed directly into a water bottle, added to a morning juice or smoothie, or even dropped sublingually into the tongue for additional absorption. This allows for high doses to be more efficiently achieved than with pills, which can take much longer to digest.
Less Risk of Choking
As you may know, swallowing pills and capsules can be a challenge for some people. This is especially true for older adults who might have problems with their esophagus. Liquid vitamins can help with this issue by providing a more easily digestible form of the supplement. This can make the supplements much easier to take for anyone who has a difficult time swallowing pills or those with a medical condition that prevents them from doing so.
Because liquid vitamins are already in a dissolved state, they can begin working more quickly and effectively when taken than other types of vitamins. This is because they don’t have to be broken down by the digestive system in order for the nutrients to be absorbed. Liquid vitamins also come with less risk of choking compared to pill and capsule forms of the same supplement. The FDA reports that most choking events related to dietary supplements involve multivitamins and calcium tablets. The average size of the pills involved in these incidents was 19 mm, or about three-quarters of an inch.
In addition to this, when you take liquid vitamins, you can be more precise with the dosage than you would be when taking a supplement in pill form. Since they can be measured out with a dropper or syringe, you can make sure you’re getting the exact amount that you need. This can be important if you’re sharing your supplement with other family members and want to ensure that everyone is receiving the proper amount of the vitamin.
However, when choosing a liquid supplement, it’s crucial to look for one that uses safe and natural preservatives. Many products use artificial sweeteners and additives that can potentially cause a host of health issues.
Long-Term Benefits
Liquid vitamins are more easily absorbed than pills and capsules, which can help you get the most out of your supplements. This is because liquids do not rely on the digestive system to break them down into smaller particles, which makes them available for absorption more quickly and efficiently. Additionally, liquids are a good choice for people who have trouble swallowing non-chewable pills and tablets due to gastric surgery or other medical conditions.
Children aren’t the only ones who struggle to swallow pills, tablets and capsules: Many adults have pill-aversion for a variety of reasons, including discomfort, the fear of choking or a medical condition such as esophageal scarring. Liquid vitamins are a great alternative for these groups, as they can be easily consumed and administered with minimal fuss.
Furthermore, they can also be a good option for kids who have trouble swallowing large doses of certain nutrients and herbs in pill form. As long as you choose a high-quality supplement, such as a liposomal vitamin or an alcohol and water herbal tincture, liquid vitamins can deliver the therapeutic dose of a specific nutrient that is otherwise difficult to achieve in pill form.
Because of their ease-of-use and improved bioavailability, liquid vitamins offer a range of health benefits. If you’re looking for a way to improve your overall wellness and immunity, be sure to add liquid vitamins to your daily routine. They can make a huge difference in your energy levels and immune support, and they are an ideal alternative for those who don’t like or are unable to take pills. Be sure to consult with an integrative practitioner to find a formula that best fits your unique needs